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Ana Rita de Faria Antonio

(PT/NOR, March 2019)


Ana Rita António (1980) is a multidisciplinary visual artist. - She holds a Master degree from Bergen National Academy of Arts and a Diploma from the Design Lab department at the Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam.

By using and composing analogies between the trivial and random, my work utters simultaneously the bold and unexpected with a great feeling for improvisation, self-sufficiency and temporality - Directly or indirectly, in a concrete or poetic way, avoiding dominant economic strategies and production models. Questioning the coerciveness that derives from the more profound meaning and the superficial aesthetic appearance of an everyday context, object or image.


Ana Rita António (1980) es una artista visual multidisciplinar. - Tiene una maestría de la Academia Nacional de Artes de Bergen y un Diploma del departamento de Design Lab en la Academia Rietveld en Ámsterdam.

Componer analogías entre lo trivial y lo aleatorio. En mi trabajo me interesa cuestionar el carácter coercitivo de la apariencia estética superficial de un contexto, objeto o imagen cotidianos.


La Artista Portuguesa Ana Rita António finaliza su residencia de un mes en The Lab Program:Art-Research & Mobility Network, en la Ciudad de México.  Les invitamos a platicar con Ana Rita António y a conocer su instalación portátil “Hacking a Diablito with an Office Shelf”* el siguiente Jueves 4 de Abril, 2019 de 1:00p – 3:00p y de 4:00p – 7:00pm en el Jardín su biblioteca de confianza: Aeromoto (Calle Venecia # 23, Col. Juárez)

*“Hacking a Diablito with an Office Shelf”*es una instalación portátil, en donde una variedad de mecanismos obtenidos de la lógica del día a día, en el contexto de la Ciudad de México y alrededores, le sirven a la artista para pensar estrategias y soluciones ingeniosas que se preguntan sobre la habitabilidad, la autosuficiencia y la auto construcción.




Portuguese Artist  Ana Rita António finishes her one-month residency at The Lab Program: Art-Research & Mobility Network.
We invite you to join us to a talk and to experience Ana Rita António’s installation:"Hacking a diablito with an office shelf"* at the public garden of Aeromoto, onThursday, April 4th, from 1:00pm to 3:00pm and from 4:00 to 7:00pm.
*"Hacking a diablito with an office shelf" is a portable art installation, where a variety of physical mechanisms, taken from the logic of everyday life in the context of Mexico City and its surroundings, are used by the artist as sculptural strategies and ingenious solutions that pose questions about livability, self-sufficiency and self-construction.


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The Lab Program: Art-Research and Mobility Network | | @thelabprogram

 📍 Main Studio is at  C. Joaquin Garcia Icazbalceta 63, San Rafael, CDMX

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