Joshua Merchan Rodriguez
(COL/FR | January,2021)

Joshua Merchan Rodríguez (1996, Colombia)
2018-2020’ - Ecole Superieure des Beaux Arts de Nantes Metropole (ESBANM, Nantes)
2017-2018- Ecole Europenne Superieure d’art de Bretagne (EESAB, Rennes)
2016-2017- Public preparatory class of art (Les Arcades, Issy-les-Moulineaux)
2015-2016- Ecole Superieure de Realisation Audiovisuelle (ESRA, Paris)
2020- W IRE - Rouge (Matera, Italy)
2020- Okupa - Calle.Nart (Merida, Mex)
2019- «Sin isla, dan isla - TOPO (Mexico City, Mex)
2019- Un fin de semana aqui - Ngr11gnb7 (Mexico City, Mex)
2019- Hiking + Thinking (plus) Matress x Printer- Rietveld Academie (Amsterdam, Nl)
2017- Visages rencontres- Colombian Consulate (Paris, Fr)
I have often thought about the "pockets of silence" described by Rothko in my artistic practice.
I am interested in exploring and expanding the idea and potential of retreat spaces, taking into account the current state of the world, where entropy is accelerated by human actions in a climate of global emergency. I am looking to build shelters that do not try to escape from the world, but to deal with ambient noise, using it as a tool of action that takes bodies out of their passivity.
In the constant flux between spaces of contemplation and spaces of thought, from where I would like to think or define my place through my gestures or movements as an artist/human being keeping In mind the nature of our finite material world.
In 2019, I lived and studied in MX City via ENPEG Art Program. During six months, I had the chance to engage with the local art scene and to collaborate with artists. TOPO Collective was founded by eight artists from different places around the world. For a month we organized and curated a collective exhibition in an empty building in Col. Polanco, where we invited around thirty artists, mainly Mexican art scene.

𝘾𝙏𝙋 Compañía de Trueque Polimérico, es un intento de creación de valor concreto basado en el sistema de trueque. La compañía les propone truequear fósiles sintetizados provenientes de industrias humanoides por cualquier tipo de bien intercambiable.
Nuestros fósiles sintetizados, han sido encontrados por los equipos de la 𝘾𝙏𝙋, en las costas del Golfo de México. Nuestros investigadores estiman que el material que los compone es de más de 𝟑𝟎𝟎𝟎 𝐚ñ𝐨𝐬.
Contáctenos para recibir el catálogo completo de los fósiles y negociar un trueque.
Nuestros equipos están listos para todo tipo de valuación de bienes intercambiables y trabajarán para lograr la justeza del trueque.
Citas para trueque @thelabprogram +5515306136 / Catálogo descargable--->
Polymeric Bartering Co is launching its first barter event in Mexico.
From Sunday, January, 30th to Friday, February, 12th
Polymeric Bartering Co is bartering synthesized fossils from humanoid industries for any kind of good.
These Synthesized fossils (3000 a.c.) have been found thanks to the labor of a high qualified team of researchers while studying the coastline of Mexico’s Gulf. Our valuation property experts are ready to make any kind of ruling and they will prioritize the equivalence of each barter.
Please feel free to contact / RSVP: @thelabprogram +525515306136
Downloadable Catalogue--->
printed zine:

C.T.P., Zine, 30 páginas (ESP/ENG) PotentA, 2021. | Purchaise----> @PotentA_Ediciones & Más Allá