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In my work I deconstruct current culture to create contemporary works which reflect on modern curiosities, such as memes, emojis and text language, and juxtapose these fashions with ideologies of the past.


Data Dada is a one-day exhibition presenting art work by Irish Artist Victoria Callinan as a result of her one month stay in Mexico City.  In this exhibition, Victoria explores the relation between web-based culture and technochamanism*. In materializing the interaction between the virtual and the physical of the image-object in the internet, she uses blue as a main aesthetic element to explore some web-based futurologies. 

*Tecnoshamanism presents itself as an aesthetic tendency with its rituals, immersive processes, inter-narratives and live fictionalizations. Technoshamanism has been configured as a cross-border network that gathers people interested in thinking their ideas and everyday actions at the same time they’re thinking open science, open technology and open cosmological and ecosophical visions. 


Special thanks to all collaborators engaged in this research:

​Diorama Galería, Diego Saldaña, Neme Arranz Ruiz, Pandeo DF, you are awsome ✨👌




Data Dada presenta el trabajo de la artista irlandesa Victoria Callinan como resultado de su estancia de un mes en la Ciudad de México. En esta exposición, Victoria explora la relación entre la cultura basada en la web y el tecnochamanismo*, materializando ciertas interacciones entre lo virtual y lo físico, y usando el color azul como elemento estético principal para explorar algunas futorologías basadas en la web.


*Tecnochamanismo se presenta como una tendencia estética y de rituales, procesos inmersivos, inter-narrativos y ficciones en vivo. El Tecnochamanismo ha sido configurado como una red transfronteriza que reúne gente interesada en re-pensar ideas y acciones cotidianas al mismo tiempo que re-plantea metodologías basadas en ciencia abierta, tecnología abierta y visiones cosmológicas y eco-filosóficas abiertas. 



Agradecemos especialemente a:

​Diorama Galería, Diego Saldaña, Neme Arranz Ruiz, Pandeo DF ✨👌



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